PT Akselerasi Teknologi Investama
Informasi tentang PT Akselerasi Teknologi Investama contoh Odoo, Open Source ERP .
Aplikasi yang Diinstal
- Penjualan
- From quotations to invoices
- Penagihan
- Invoices & Payments
- Lacak prospek dan peluang dekat
- Website
- Website builder enterprise
- Stok Persediaan
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Pembelian
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Proyek
- Atur dan rencanakan project-project Anda
- Pengeluaran
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Cuti
- Alokasikan Cuti Berbayar dan ikuti permintaan cuti
- Perekrutan
- Track your recruitment pipeline
- Karyawan
- Pusatkan informasi karyawan
- Odoo 16 Full Accounting Kit
- Asset and Budget Management, Accounting Reports, PDC, Lock dates, Credit Limit, Follow Ups, Day-Bank-Cash book reports.
- Diskusi
- Chat, gateway email dan channel privat
- Kontak
- Pusatkan buku alamat Anda
- Kalender
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Live Chat
- Chat dengan pengunjung website Anda
- Absensi
- Track employee attendance
- Catatan
- Atur kerjaan Anda dengan memo
- Manajemen Keahlian
- Manage skills, knowledge and resume of your employees
- Online Jobs
- Manage your online hiring process